How to find your winning business idea

How to find your winning business idea and get started doing what you love

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    The complete guide on how to find your winning business idea

    Ready to start doing what you love?

    You want to start a business. The entrepreneurial fire is burning, but you don’t know what to build. Perhaps you already have an idea, and you’re not sure if people will want to buy what you have to offer. With all these uncertainties, how can you come up with a winning business idea that’s likely to succeed?

    Generate leads to validate your idea

    In this ebook, you’ll learn all about how to come up with new business ideas using proven approaches, and how to validate them by building an audience and generating pre-sales.

    Turning your idea into your business

    Starting your company with Tide is incredibly fast, easy and only £9.99. Plus you get a free business current account at the same time, all in one go. Which is the best way to ensure you’re keeping your finances in order from day one.
    Be your own boss and register your company with Tide 🎉

    Prioritising your business ideas preview
    buffer for business preview
    Infornation products ebook preview

    In this free ebook, you’ll learn:

    • How to come up with a business idea people truly want
    • The idea generation processes used by successful startups
    • Validation processes to ensure you’re on to a winning product or service
    • 5 simple business models to inspire you


    What’s inside

    How to find and validate your ideas in 5 chapters

    1. Understand what makes a ‘good’ business idea

      Defining your roadmap for success

    2. How to generate an abundance of ideas

      Coming up with winning business ideas

    3. Validate your most promising ideas

      Set yourself up for success with pre-sales

    4. How other entrepreneurs came up with their ideas

      Fast and easy-to-implement techniques

    5. Five simple business models to seed your ideas

      Learn about proven models from other brands

    How to find your winning business idea

    Powered by Tide, the bank account for your business

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